猫眼电影 > You Bet!
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You Bet!

综艺 / 游戏秀
1988-02-20英国开播 / 60分钟

You Bet! is an anthology game show. Various members of the public bet that they can perform some kind of challenge - be it a stunt (such as driving a car through a slalom course on two wheels), a memory test (identifying songs or objects from a brief sample), or a skill (such as dribbling two basketballs over an obstacle course). The task is performed before three celebrities and 100 audience members, who will bet on the outcome of the challenge. The celebrities win points based on their correct bet and the percentage of the audience who bet correctly (for example, if the celebrity bets 'yes' on a challenge, and 79% of the audience also bet 'yes', if the challenger completes his challenge, the celebrity would get 79 points). The points of all celebrities and all correct audience responses are added together at the end of the show and multiplied. The corresponding amount of cash is donated to a charity of the winning celebrity's choice. The losing celebrity had to perform a 'forfeit', ...


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