猫眼电影 > 主仆轶事 第四季
主仆轶事 第四季海报封面图

主仆轶事 第四季

You Rang, M'Lord? Season 4
电视剧 / 喜剧
1993-03-20英国开播 / 50分钟

Cissy organizes a soup kitchen in the East End, helped by the staff and her father though she asks him to stay away as she believes the recipients will feel patronized by his presence. He is hurt but the situation is taken out of their hands when the starving poor decamp to the Salvation Army hostel instead where they are serving meat and dumplings. In order to dissuade Madge from marrying Teddy, Alf arranges for the five maids he impregnated - and had to be paid off by George - to come to the house with their babies, causing chaos below stairs. However the plan fails as Madge forgives him.

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