猫眼电影 > 二十亿颗心:1994年世界杯官方纪录片 Two Billion Hearts
二十亿颗心:1994年世界杯官方纪录片 Two Billion Hearts海报封面图

二十亿颗心:1994年世界杯官方纪录片 Two Billion Hearts

Two Billion Hearts

1994年巴西获得世界杯冠军后所拍摄的一部足球纪录片,虽然我不是巴西队的球迷,但还是能从片中感受到巴西人对足球运动的热爱。 A sensational film, but for who loves the soccer only. That sporting documentary, tell the history of the World Cup of Soccer of 1994, in the USA, gained by Brazil. With beautiful images of the stadiums, games, inciters and teams, it is an exciting film, where the stars are the players that do of that event the biggest world sporting party. The title of the movie refer to the number of people that attended the final game, in other words, third part of the world population! Incredible movie, the greatest documentary about football ever. The history of World Cup 1994 at USA is told by images in chronological order, showing since the qualify until the final. In beautiful angles, never seen on TV, is a must see for football fans, and for those who doesn't understand this great sport.

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