Caleb Scharf
饰:Himself - Director of Astrobiology Center, Columbia University
Kelvin Long
饰:Himself - Physicist & Vice President, Icarus Interstellar
Hakeem Oluseyi
饰:Himself - Professor of Physics & Space Sciences, Florida Institu
Karl Stapelfeldt
饰:Himself - Astrophysicist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
David Bartell
饰:Himself - Science Fiction Author
Paul Levinson
饰:Himself - Professor of Media Studies, Fordham University
Heather Gautney
饰:Herself - Professor of Sociology, Fordham University
Catherine Asaro
饰:Herself - Visiting Professor of Physics, University of Maryland
Jason Kring
饰:Himself - Professor of Spaceflight Human Factors
Paul Falkowski
饰:Himself - Professor of Geological Studies
Fernando I. Rivera
饰:Himself - Professor of Sociology, University of Central Florida
Sara Seager
饰:Herself - Professor of Planetary Science and Physics, MIT
A.J. Bruno
饰:Country Boy
Winston Haynes
饰:Conner Olsen
Ryan Kim
Krystle McMullan
Krystle McMullan
Hunter Denoyelles
Hunter Denoyelles
饰:Country Girl,(as Hunter Denoyelles)
Matt Ganey
Matt Ganey
John G. Rice Jr.