猫眼电影 > 熱淚師奶


Crying Ladies
剧情 / 喜剧
2003-12-25菲律宾上映 / 111分钟

三個菲律賓師奶接了個「哭喪」job,負責在喪禮上披麻帶孝,連哭五天。原來唐人街有位華僑過了身,要班齊人馬來奔喪,奉行「死者為大」之宿命。 三位阿姐哭起來熱「淚」沸騰,事實上她們背後亦各有辛酸。史汀娜剛出獄不久,渴望找一份好工作,可以從前夫手上奪回兒子的撫養權;多麗是過氣女明星,她最怕別人忘記她曾在B級片扮演不斷尖叫的小角色,現時打算全力捧紅女兒做明日天后;彩玲則是失控人妻,她竟然愛上了死黨的丈夫,展開一段「失樂園」孽緣。 三個女人,一個喪禮,諷刺抵死、笑料喊位兼而有之。史汀娜一角由菲律賓影壇一姐莎朗庫奈達擔綱,她出神入化的演技,令人笑破肚皮。 ‧03年馬尼拉電影節六項大獎得主 (包括最佳電影、最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳女配角及最佳兒童演員) Meet the last of the professional mourners of Manila's Chinatown. The street smart Stella who dreams of a better job to be able to get back custody of her beloved son from her ex-husband. Then there is Doray, a bit player of the '70's whose life revolves around the glory days of her B-movies career. And religious and naive Choleng who simply cannot resist the sexual advances of her best friend's husband. They all accept a part-time job to be the professional mourners for a traditional Chinese funeral and now they have to cry for 5 days! The story of these three women is given life in the context of a funeral wake. Against all odds in life, they survive and emerge victorious in the many little ways that make up real life. First-time director Mark Meily brings a heartwarming comedy that moves the audience to tears....... and laughter. ‧Winner of 6 major awards (including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress , Best Supporting Actress and Best Child Performer ) in Metro Manila Film Festival 2003

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