猫眼电影 > 纽约核电危机


2015-04-17美国上映 / 94分钟

印地安角(Indian Point)核电厂距离时代广场,仅有短短的35英里,而邻近这座老旧核电厂的纽约州,却住着将近 2,000 万的大量人口。在美国核能管理委员会(NRC)的支持下,事故频传的印地安角核电厂得以继续运转,却在周遭社区引起了广大争议。 当地反核组织持续关注日本311核灾,认为发生在福岛的事故,其实很可能随时会在此重演。在竭力发展清洁能源的奋战下,与因政府的自满而可能导致的灾难之间,导演试图以尽可能平衡的角度,针对核电充满不确定性的未来发展,提出了令人吃惊的锐利检视。 Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant looms just 35 miles from Times Square. With over 50 million people living in close proximity to the aging facility, its continued operation has the support of the plant’s operators and the NRC — Nuclear Regulatory Commission — yet has stoked a great deal of controversy in the surrounding community, including a vocal anti-nuclear contingent concerned that what happened at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant could happen here. In the brewing fight for clean energy and the catastrophic possibilities of government complacency, director Ivy Meeropol presents a balanced argument about the issues surrounding nuclear energy and offers a startling reality check for our uncertain nuclear future. 获奖与参展纪录 Awards and Official Selection: 美国基韦斯特电影节/评审团大奖最佳纪录片奖 The Jury Prize of Best Documentary at the Key West Film Festival 加拿大多伦多国际纪录片电影节/优秀电影奖 Hotdocs Film Festival - Outspoken & Outstanding Award ( Canada ) 翠贝卡电影节 Tribeca Film Festival 圣路易斯国际电影节 St. Louis International Film Festival 汉普顿国际电影节 Hamptons International Film Festival 新罕布夏电影节 New Hampshire Film Festival

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