猫眼电影 > 战地玫瑰


Gulîstan, terre de roses
纪录片 / 战争
2016-05-03加拿大上映 / 86分钟

这部纪录片深入库尔德斯坦的山区和沙漠。库尔德工人党的武装女性游击队队员为守卫库尔德领土,抵抗ISIS的侵害而努力着。这些女性向电影导演透露了她们最真切的想法,造就了一种沉浸式的观影体验。这部纪录片是世界了解这个错综复杂的政府的一个窗口,向世人展示了为了自由而组织起来的革命团队里关于女性主义的一面。 This documentary penetrates into the story happened in Kurdistan hills and deserts. Armed female guerrillas from the PKK are trying their best on protecting the Kurdish territory against a cult of violence from ISIS. These women immerse the audience in the scenes by disclosing their truest feelings and thoughts on the matter. The film is a showcase for this intricate maze of Kurdish government and it also reveals the feminism side of the revolution team that fights for freedom.

影视行业信息《免责声明》I 违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900